Coding for Reliable Digital Transmission and storage:
Mathematical model of Information, A Logarithmic Measure of Information, Average and Mutual Information and Entropy, Types of Errors, Error Control Strategies.
Linear Block Codes:
Introduction to Linear Block Codes, Syndrome and Error Detection, Minimum Distance of a Block code, Error-Detecting and Error-correcting Capabilities of a Block code, Standard array and Syndrome Decoding, Probability of an undetected error for Linear Codes over a BSC, Hamming Codes. Applications of Block codes for Error control in data storage system
Cyclic Codes:
Description, Generator and Parity-check Matrices, Encoding, Syndrome Computation and Error Detection, Decoding, Cyclic Hamming Codes, Shortened cyclic codes, Error-trapping decoding for cyclic codes, Majority logic decoding for cyclic codes.
Convolutional Codes:
Encoding of Convolutional Codes, Structural and Distance Properties, maximum likelihood decoding, Sequential decoding, Majority- logic decoding of Convolution codes. Application of Viterbi Decoding and Sequential Decoding, Applications of Convolutional codes in ARQ system.
Turbo Codes:
LDPC Codes- Codes based on sparse graphs, Decoding for binary erasure channel, Log-likelihood algebra, Brief propagation, Product codes, Iterative decoding of product codes, Concatenated convolutional codes- Parallel concatenation, The UMTS Turbo code, Serial concatenation, Parallel concatenation, Turbo decoding
Space-Time Codes:
Introduction, Digital modulation schemes, Diversity, Orthogonal space- Time Block codes, Alamouti’s schemes, Extension to more than Two Transmit Antennas, Simulation Results, Spatial Multiplexing: General Concept, Iterative APP Preprocessing and Per-layer Decoding, Linear Multilayer Detection, Original BLAST Detection, QL Decomposition and Interface Cancellation, Performance of Multi – Layer Detection Schemes, Unified Description by Linear Dispersion Codes.
1. Error Control Coding- Fundamentals and Applications –Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello, Jr, Prentice Hall, Inc.
2. Error Correcting Coding Theory-Man Young Rhee- 1989, McGraw-Hill
1. Error Correcting Coding Theory-Man Young Rhee-1989, McGraw – Hill Publishing, 19
2. Digital Communications-Fundamental and Application - Bernard Sklar, PE.
3. Digital Communications- John G. Proakis, 5th ed., 2008, TMH.
4. Introduction to Error Control Codes-Salvatore Gravano-oxford
5. Error Correction Coding – Mathematical Methods and Algorithms – Todd K. Moon, 2006, Wiley India.
6. Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography – Ranjan Bose, 2nd Edition, 2009, TMH.
Course Outcomes:
1. Able to transmit and store reliable data and detect errors in data through coding.
2. Able to understand the designing of various codes like block codes, cyclic codes, convolution codes, turbo codes and space codes.