Cycle 1: Using 8086 Processor Kits and/or Assembler (5 Weeks)
- Assembly Language Programs to 8086 to Perform
- Arithmetic, Logical, String Operations on 16 Bit and 32-Bit Data.
- Bit level Logical Operations, Rotate, Shift, Swap and Branch Operations.
Cycle 2: Using 8051 Microcontroller Kit (6 weeks)
- Assembly Language Programs to Perform Arithmetic (Both Signed and Unsigned) 16 Bit Data Operations, Logical Operations (Byte and Bit Level Operations), Rotate, Shift, Swap and Branch Instructions
- Time delay Generation Using Timers of 8051.
- Serial Communication from / to 8051 to / from I/O devices.
- Program Using Interrupts to Generate Square Wave 10 KHZ Frequency on P2.1 Using Timer 0 8051 in 8 bit Auto reload Mode and Connect a 1 HZ Pulse to INT1 pin and Display on Port 0. Assume Crystal Frequency as 11.0592 MHZ
Cycle 3: Interfacing I/O Devices to 8051(5 Weeks)
- 7 Segment Display to 8051.
- Matrix Keypad to 8051.
- Sequence Generator Using Serial Interface in 8051.
- 8 bit ADC Interface to 8051.
- Triangular Wave Generator through DAC interfaces to 8051.
1. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals by A K Ray, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2006
2. The 8051 Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming & Applications by Dr. K. Uma Rao, Andhe Pallavi, Pearson, 2009.