JNTUH Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Lab syllabus EC 3-1 Sem R18 EC505PC

Unit-1 Lab

Cycle 1: Using 8086 Processor Kits and/or Assembler (5 Weeks)

  • Assembly Language Programs to 8086 to Perform
  1.  Arithmetic, Logical, String Operations on 16 Bit and 32-Bit Data.
  2.  Bit level Logical Operations, Rotate, Shift, Swap and Branch Operations.


Cycle 2: Using 8051 Microcontroller Kit (6 weeks)

  • Introduction to IDE
  1. Assembly Language Programs to Perform Arithmetic (Both Signed and Unsigned) 16 Bit Data Operations, Logical Operations (Byte and Bit Level Operations), Rotate, Shift, Swap and Branch Instructions
  2. Time delay Generation Using Timers of 8051.
  3. Serial Communication from / to 8051 to / from I/O devices.
  4. Program Using Interrupts to Generate Square Wave 10 KHZ Frequency on P2.1 Using Timer 0 8051 in 8 bit Auto reload Mode and Connect a 1 HZ Pulse to INT1 pin and Display on Port 0. Assume Crystal Frequency as 11.0592 MHZ


Cycle 3: Interfacing I/O Devices to 8051(5 Weeks)

  1. 7 Segment Display to 8051.
  2. Matrix Keypad to 8051.
  3. Sequence Generator Using Serial Interface in 8051.
  4. 8 bit ADC Interface to 8051.
  5. Triangular Wave Generator through DAC interfaces to 8051.



1. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals by A K Ray, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2006

2. The 8051 Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming & Applications by Dr. K. Uma Rao, Andhe Pallavi, Pearson, 2009.