JNTUH Control Systems syllabus EC 3-1 Sem R18 EC503PC

Unit-1 Introduction to Control Problem

Introduction to Control Problem:

Industrial Control examples. Mathematical models of physical systems. Control hardware and their models. Transfer function models of linear time-invariant systems. Feedback Control: Open-Loop and Closed-loop systems. Benefits of Feedback. Block diagram algebra.

Unit-2 Time Response Analysis of Standard Test Signals

Time Response Analysis of Standard Test Signals:

Time response of first and second order systems for standard test inputs. Application of initial and final value theorem. Design specifications for secondorder systems based on the time-response. Concept of Stability. Routh-Hurwitz Criteria. Relative Stability analysis. Root-Locus technique. Construction of Root-loci.

Unit-3 Frequency-Response Analysis

Frequency-Response Analysis:

Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plots, Bode plots. Nyquist stability criterion. Relative stability using Nyquist criterion – gain and phase margin. Closed-loop frequency response.

Unit-4 Introduction to Controller Design

Introduction to Controller Design:

Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and robustness of control systems. Root-loci method of feedback controller design. Design specifications in frequency-domain. Frequency-domain methods of design. Application of Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers, Lead and Lag compensation in designs. Analog and Digital implementation of controllers.

Unit-5 State Variable Analysis and Concepts of State Variables

State Variable Analysis and Concepts of State Variables:

State space model. Diagonalization of State Matrix. Solution of state equations. Eigen values and Stability Analysis. Concept of controllability and observability. Pole-placement by state feedback. Discrete-time systems. Difference Equations. State-space models of linear discrete-time systems. Stability of linear discrete-time systems.



1. M. Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 1997.

2. B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.



1. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991.

2. I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International, 2009.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to

  • Understand the modeling of linear-time-invariant systems using transfer function and statespace representations.
  • Understand the concept of stability and its assessment for linear-time invariant systems.
  • Design simple feedback controllers.