JNTUH Network Analysis and Transmission Lines syllabus EC 2-1 Sem R18 EC302PC

Unit-1 Network Topology

Network Topology, Basic cutset and tie set matrices for planar networks, Magnetic Circuits, Self and Mutual inductances, dot convention, impedance, reactance concept, Impedance transformation and coupled circuits, co-efficient of coupling, equivalent T for Magnetically coupled circuits, Ideal Transformer.

Unit-2 Transient and Steady state analysis of RC

Transient and Steady state analysis of RC, RL and RLC Circuits, Sinusoidal, Step and Square responses. RC Circuits as integrator and differentiators. 2nd order series and parallel RLC Circuits, Root locus, damping factor, over damped, under damped, critically damped cases, quality factor and bandwidth for series and parallel resonance, resonance curves.

Unit-3 Two port network parameters

Two port network parameters, Z, Y, ABCD, h and g parameters, Characteristic impedance, Image transfer constant, image and iterative impedance, network function, driving point and transfer functions – using transformed (S) variables, Poles and Zeros. Standard T,, L Sections, Characteristic impedance, image transfer constants, Design of Attenuators, impedance matching network.

Unit-4 Transmission Lines - I

Transmission Lines - I: Types, Parameters, Transmission Line Equations, Primary & Secondary Constants, Equivalent Circuit, Characteristic Impedance, Propagation Constant, Phase and Group Velocities, Infinite Line Concepts, Lossless / Low Loss Characterization, Types of Distortion, Condition for Distortion less line, Minimum Attenuation, Loading - Types of Loading.

Unit-5 Transmission Lines – II

Transmission Lines – II: Input Impedance Relations, SC and OC Lines, Reflection Coefficient, VSWR. λ/4, λ/2, λ/8 Lines – Impedance Transformations, Smith Chart – Configuration and Applications, Single Stub Matching.



1. Network Analysis – Van Valkenburg, 3rd Ed., Pearson, 2016.

2. Networks, Lines and Fields - JD Ryder, PHI, 2nd Edition, 1999.



1. Electric Circuits – J. Edminister and M. Nahvi – Schaum’s Outlines, Mc Graw Hills Education, 1999.

2. Engineering Circuit Analysis – William Hayt and Jack E Kemmerly, MGH, 8th Edition, 1993.

3. Electromagnetics with Applications – JD. Kraus, 5th Ed., TMH

4. Transmission Lines and Networks – Umesh Sinha, Satya Prakashan, 2001, (Tech. India Publications), New Delhi.


Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Gain the knowledge on basic RLC circuits behavior.
  • Analyze the Steady state and transient analysis of RLC Circuits.
  • Know the characteristics of two port network parameters.
  • Analyze the transmission line parameters and configurations.