Unit-1 List of Experiments


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Course Objectives:

1. To learn how to develop Applications in android environment.

2. To learn how to develop user interface applications.

3. To learn how to develop URL related applications.


Course Outcomes:

1. Student understands the working of Android OS Practically.

2. Student will be able to develop user interfaces.

3. Student will be able to develop, deploy and maintain the Android Applications.


List of Experiments

1. Create an Android application that shows Hello + name of the user and run it on an emulator. (b) Create an application that takes the name from a text box and shows hello message along with the name entered in text box, when the user clicks the OK button.

2. Create a screen that has input boxes for User Name, Password, Address, Gender (radio buttons for male and female), Age (numeric), Date of Birth (Date Picket), State (Spinner) and a Submit button. On clicking the submit button, print all the data below the Submit Button. Use (a) Linear Layout (b) Relative Layout and (c) Grid Layout or Table Layout.

3. Develop an application that shows names as a list and on selecting a name it should show the details of the candidate on the next screen with a “Back” button. If the screen is rotated to landscape mode (width greater than height), then the screen should show list on left fragment and details on right fragment instead of second screen with back button. Use Fragment transactions and Rotation event listener.

4. Develop an application that uses a menu with 3 options for dialing a number, opening a website and to send an SMS. On selecting an option, the appropriate action should be invoked using intents.

5. Develop an application that inserts some notifications into Notification area and whenever a notification is inserted, it should show a toast with details of the notification.

6. Create an application that uses a text file to store user names and passwords (tab separated fields and one record per line). When the user submits a login name and password through a screen, the details should be verified with the text file data and if they match, show a dialog saying that login is successful. Otherwise, show the dialog with Login Failed message.

7. Create a user registration application that stores the user details in a database table.

8. Create a database and a user table where the details of login names and passwords are stored. Insert some names and passwords initially. Now the login details entered by the user should be verified with the database and an appropriate dialog should be shown to the user.

9. Create an admin application for the user table, which shows all records as a list and the admin can select any record for edit or modify. The results should be reflected in the table.

10. Develop an application that shows all contacts of the phone along with details like name, phone number, mobile number etc.

11. Create an application that saves user information like name, age, gender etc. in shared preference and retrieves them when the program restarts.

12. Create an alarm that rings every Sunday at 8:00 AM. Modify it to use a time picker to set alarm time.

13. Create an application that shows the given URL (from a text field) in a browser.