Unit-1 List of Experiments


Any High-level programming language (C, C++)


Course Objectives:

  • To Understand the concepts of scripting languages for developing web based projects
  • To understand the applications the of Ruby, TCL, Perl scripting languages


Course Outcomes:

  • Ability to understand the differences between Scripting languages and programming languages
  • Able to gain some fluency programming in Ruby, Perl, TCL


List of Experiments

1. Write a Ruby script to create a new string which is n copies of a given string where n is a nonnegative integer

2. Write a Ruby script which accept the radius of a circle from the user and compute the parameter and area.

3. Write a Ruby script which accept the user's first and last name and print them in reverse order with a space between them

4. Write a Ruby script to accept a filename from the user print the extension of that

5. Write a Ruby script to find the greatest of three numbers

6. Write a Ruby script to print odd numbers from 10 to 1

7. Write a Ruby scirpt to check two integers and return true if one of them is 20 otherwise return their sum

8. Write a Ruby script to check two temperatures and return true if one is less than 0 and the other is greater than 100

9. Write a Ruby script to print the elements of a given array

10. Write a Ruby program to retrieve the total marks where subject name and marks of a student stored in a hash

11. Write a TCL script to find the factorial of a number

12. Write a TCL script that multiplies the numbers from 1 to 10

13. Write a TCL script for Sorting a list using a comparison function

14. Write a TCL script to (i)create a list (ii )append elements to the list (iii)Traverse the list (iv)Concatenate the list

15. Write a TCL script to comparing the file modified times.

16. Write a TCL script to Copy a file and translate to native format.

17. a) Write a Perl script to find the largest number among three numbers.

b) Write a Perl script to print the multiplication tables from 1-10 using subroutines.

18. Write a Perl program to implement the following list of manipulating functions



c) Push

19. a) Write a Perl script to substitute a word, with another word in a string.

b) Write a Perl script to validate IP address and email address.

20. Write a Perl script to print the file in reverse order using command line arguments