JNTUH Mobile Application Development syllabus CS 3-2 Sem R18 CS614PE

Unit-1 Introduction to Android Operating System

Introduction to Android Operating System:

Android OS design and Features – Android development framework, SDK features, Installing and running applications on Android Studio, Creating AVDs, Types of Android applications, Best practices in Android programming, Android tools

Android application components – Android Manifest file, Externalizing resources like values, themes, layouts, Menus etc, Resources for different devices and languages, Runtime Configuration Changes Android Application Lifecycle – Activities, Activity lifecycle, activity states, monitoring state changes

Unit-2 Android User Interface

Android User Interface:

Measurements – Device and pixel density independent measuring UNIT - s Layouts – Linear, Relative, Grid and Table Layouts

User Interface (UI) Components – Editable and non-editable TextViews, Buttons, Radio and Toggle Buttons, Checkboxes, Spinners, Dialog and pickers

Event Handling – Handling clicks or changes of various UI components

Fragments – Creating fragments, Lifecycle of fragments, Fragment states, Adding fragments to Activity, adding, removing and replacing fragments with fragment transactions, interfacing between fragments and Activities, Multi-screen Activities

Unit-3 Intents and Broadcasts

Intents and Broadcasts:

Intent – Using intents to launch Activities, Explicitly starting new Activity, Implicit Intents, Passing data to Intents, Getting results from Activities, Native Actions, using Intent to dial a number or to send SMS

Broadcast Receivers – Using Intent filters to service implicit Intents, Resolving Intent filters, finding and using Intents received within an Activity

Notifications – Creating and Displaying notifications, Displaying Toasts

Unit-4 Persistent Storage

Persistent Storage:

Files – Using application specific folders and files, creating files, reading data from files, listing contents of a directory Shared Preferences – Creating shared preferences, saving and retrieving data using Shared Preference

Unit-5 Database

Database –

Introduction to SQLite database, creating and opening a database, creating tables, inserting retrieving and etindelg data, Registering Content Providers, Using content Providers (insert, delete, retrieve and update)



1. Professional Android 4 Application Development, Reto Meier, Wiley India, (Wrox), 2012

2. Android Application Development for Java Programmers, James C Sheusi, Cengage Learning, 2013



1. Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wei-Meng Lee, Wiley India (Wrox), 2013


Course Outcomes

1. Student understands the working of Android OS Practically.

2. Student will be able to develop Android user interfaces

3. Student will be able to develop, deploy and maintain the Android Applications.