JNTUH Compiler Design Lab syllabus CS 3-2 Sem R18 CS605PC

Unit-1 List of Experiments


1. A Course on “Objected Oriented Programming through Java”



1. A course on “Web Technologies”


Course Objectives

1. To provide hands-on experience on web technologies

2. To develop client-server application using web technologies

3. To introduce server-side programming with Java servlets and JSP

4. To understand the various phases in the design of a compiler

5. To understand the design of top-down and bottom-up parsers.

6. To understand syntax directed translation schemes.

7. To introduce lex and yacc tools.


Course Outcomes

1. Design and develop interactive and dynamic web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML

2. Apply client-server principles to develop scalable and enterprise web applications.

3. Ability to design, develop, and implement a compiler for any language.

4. Able to use lex and yacc tools for developing a scanner and a parser.

5. Able to design and implement LL and LR parsers.


List of Experiments

Compiler Design Experiments

1. Write a LEX Program to scan reserved word & Identifiers of C Language

2. Implement Predictive Parsing algorithm

3. Write a C program to generate three address code.

4. Implement SLR(1) Parsing algorithm

5. Design LALR bottom up parser for the given language