JNTUH Advanced Operating Systems syllabus CS 3-1 Sem R18 CS522PE

Unit-1 Architectures of Distributed Systems

Architectures of Distributed Systems:

System Architecture Types, Distributed Operating Systems, Issues in Distributed Operating Systems, Communication Primitives.


Theoretical Foundations:

Inherent Limitations of a Distributed System, Lamport’s Logical Clocks, Vector Clocks, Causal Ordering of Messages, Termination Detection.

Unit-2 Distributed Mutual Exclusion

Distributed Mutual Exclusion:

The Classification of Mutual Exclusion Algorithms,


Non-Token – Based Algorithms:

Lamport’s Algorithm, The Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm, Maekawa’s Algorithm,


Token-Based Algorithms:

Suzuki-Kasami’s Broadcast Algorithm, Singhal’s Heurisric Algorithm, Raymond’s Heuristic Algorithm.

Unit-3 Distributed Deadlock Detection

Distributed Deadlock Detection:

Preliminaries, Deadlock Handling Strategies in Distributed Systems, Issues in Deadlock Detection and Resolution, Control Organizations for Distributed Deadlock Detection, Centralized- Deadlock – Detection Algorithms, Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithms, Hierarchical Deadlock Detection Algorithms

Unit-4 Multiprocessor System Architectures

Multiprocessor System Architectures:

Introduction, Motivation for multiprocessor Systems, Basic Multiprocessor System Architectures


Multi Processor Operating Systems:

Introduction, Structures of Multiprocessor Operating Systems, Operating Design Issues, Threads, Process Synchronization, Processor Scheduling.


Distributed File Systems:

Architecture, Mechanisms for Building Distributed File Systems, Design Issues

Unit-5 Distributed Scheduling

Distributed Scheduling:

Issues in Load Distributing, Components of a Load Distributed Algorithm, Stability, Load Distributing Algorithms, Requirements for Load Distributing, Task Migration, Issues in task Migration


Distributed Shared Memory:

Architecture and Motivation, Algorithms for Implementing DSM, Memory Coherence, Coherence Protocols, Design Issues



1. Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, Mukesh Singhal, Niranjan G. Shivaratri, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition 2001



1. Distributed Systems: Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten Van Steen, Pearson Prentice Hall, Edition – 2, 2007


Course Outcomes

1. Understand the design approaches of advanced operating systems

2. Analyze the design issues of distributed operating systems.

3. Evaluate design issues of multi processor operating systems.

4. Identify the requirements Distributed File System and Distributed Shared Memory.

5. Formulate the solutions to schedule the real time applications.