JNTUH Computer Networks & Web Technologies Lab syllabus CS 3-1 Sem R18 CS506PC

Unit-1 List of Experiments

Course Objectives

1. To understand the working principle of various communication protocols.

2. To understand the network simulator environment and visualize a network topology and observe its performance

3. To analyze the traffic flow and the contents of protocol frames


Course Outcomes

1. Implement data link layer farming methods

2. Analyze error detection and error correction codes.

3. Implement and analyze routing and congestion issues in network design.

4. Implement Encoding and Decoding techniques used in presentation layer

5. To be able to work with different network tools


List of Experiments

1. Implement the data link layer framing methods such as character, character-stuffing and bit stuffing.

2. Write a program to compute CRC code for the polynomials CRC-12, CRC-16 and CRC CCIP

3. Develop a simple data link layer that performs the flow control using the sliding window protocol, and loss recovery using the Go-Back-N mechanism.

4. Implement Dijsktra’s algorithm to compute the shortest path through a network

5. Take an example subnet of hosts and obtain a broadcast tree for the subnet.

6. Implement distance vector routing algorithm for obtaining routing tables at each node.

7. Implement data encryption and data decryption

8. Write a program for congestion control using Leaky bucket algorithm.

9. Write a program for frame sorting technique used in buffers.

10. Wireshark i. Packet Capture Using Wire shark ii. Starting Wire shark iii. Viewing Captured Traffic iv. Analysis and Statistics & Filters.

11. How to run Nmap scan

12. Operating System Detection using Nmap

13. Do the following using NS2 Simulator

i. NS2 Simulator-Introduction

ii. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped

iii. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped by TCP/UDP

iv. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped due to Congestion

v. Simulate to Compare Data Rate& Throughput.

vi. Simulate to Plot Congestion for Different Source/Destination

vii. Simulate to Determine the Performance with respect to Transmission of Packets


Web Technologies Experiments

1. Write a PHP script to print prime numbers between 1-50.

2. PHP script to

a. Find the length of a string.

b. Count no of words in a string.

c. Reverse a string.

d. Search for a specific string.

3. Write a PHP script to merge two arrays and sort them as numbers, in descending order.

4. Write a PHP script that reads data from one file and write into another file.

5. Develop static pages (using Only HTML) of an online book store. The pages should resemble: www.amazon.com. The website should consist the following pages.

a) Home page

b) Registration and user Login

c) User Profile Page

d) Books catalog

e) Shopping Cart

f) Payment By credit card

g) Order Conformation

6. Validate the Registration, user login, user profile and payment by credit card pages using JavaScript.

7. Create and save an XML document on the server, which contains 10 users information. Write a program, which takes User Id as an input and returns the user details by taking the user information from the XML document.

8. Install TOMCAT web server. Convert the static web pages of assignments 2 into dynamic web pages using servlets and cookies. Hint: Users information (user id, password, credit card number) would be stored in web.xml. Each user should have a separate Shopping Cart.

9. Redo the previous task using JSP by converting the static web pages of assignments 2 into dynamic web pages. Create a database with user information and books information. The books catalogue should be dynamically loaded from the database. Follow the MVC architecture while doing the website.



1. WEB TECHNOLOGIES: A Computer Science Perspective, Jeffrey C. Jackson, Pearson Education



1. Deitel H.M. and Deitel P.J., “Internet and World Wide Web How to program”, Pearson International, 2012, 4th Edition.

2. J2EE: The complete Reference By James Keogh, McGraw-Hill

3. Bai and Ekedhi, The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming, Thomson

4. Paul Dietel and Harvey Deitel,” Java How to Program”, Prentice Hall of India, 8th Edition

5. Web technologies, Black Book, Dreamtech press.

6. Gopalan N.P. and Akilandeswari J., “Web Technology”, Prentice Hall of India