JNTUH Data Structures syllabus CS 2-1 Sem R18 CS302PC

Unit-1 Introduction to Data Structures

Introduction to Data Structures, abstract data types, Linear list – singly linked list implementation, insertion, deletion and searching operations on linear list, Stacks-Operations, array and linked representations of stacks, stack applications, Queues-operations, array and linked representations.

Unit-2 Dictionaries


linear list representation, skip list representation, operations - insertion, deletion and searching.


Hash Table Representation:

hash functions, collision resolution-separate chaining, open addressing-linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing, rehashing, extendible hashing.

Unit-3 Search Trees

Search Trees:

Binary Search Trees, Definition, Implementation, Operations- Searching, Insertion and Deletion, AVL Trees, Definition, Height of an AVL Tree, Operations – Insertion, Deletion and Searching, Red –Black, Splay Trees.

Unit-4 Graphs


Graph Implementation Methods. Graph Traversal Methods.


Heap Sort, External Sorting- Model for external sorting, Merge Sort.

Unit-5 Pattern Matching and Tries

Pattern Matching and Tries:

Pattern matching algorithms-Brute force, the Boyer –Moore algorithm, the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Standard Tries, Compressed Tries, Suffix tries.



1. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd Edition, E. Horowitz, S. Sahni and Susan Anderson Freed, Universities Press.

2. Data Structures using C – A. S. Tanenbaum, Y. Langsam, and M.J. Augenstein, PHI/Pearson Education.



1. Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C, 2nd Edition, R. F. Gilberg and B.A. Forouzan, Cengage Learning.


Course Outcomes:

  • Ability to select the data structures that efficiently model the information in a problem.
  • Ability to assess efficiency trade-offs among different data structure implementations or combinations.
  • Implement and know the application of algorithms for sorting and pattern matching.
  • Design programs using a variety of data structures, including hash tables, binary and general tree structures, search trees, tries, heaps, graphs, and AVL-trees.